Keeping Your Loved Ones Close - how I keep my grandma near even when she's not here with me anymore...


It was the summer of 2019.

Sharing a little story here of how to keep your loved ones near, even if they’re not here with you anymore or just not close by…

These little bloomers are cute, right? They are my version of a slip for under skirts and dresses. My grandma, affectionately known as Sweetie, took me to JCPenney the summer I graduated from high school and we shopped for dresses I’d need to wear for sorority rush. She reminded me I’d need a slip for the dresses - I really was a jeans and shirt girl before so the idea of dressing up to prance in front of a bunch of college girls for approval (but also hoping for a great experience and new friendships) sounded both terrifying and exciting at the same time. Nothing felt right when I tried on all the basic slips and I hated how confining the body-smoothing ones felt on my tummy. I wanted to wear something that said “I’m a fun teenager ready to go off to college”, not someone ready for granny pants! This little pair of bloomers was perfect! She bought them that day, 32 summers ago, never knowing what they would end up meaning for me the last 4 decades of my life. Here are the adventures of what I now call “my sweeties”....

From rushing #AOII at 18 (with my maiden initials in black Sharpie on the tag) to moving to the big city and wearing skirts and dresses to job interviews I was scared to death to go to, I wore my sweeties. Under my cheap, thin black skirt I wore as a waitress to pay my rent because I couldn’t find a PR job in Seattle, my sweeties kept me confident that no one could see through the lousy material. 

Wearing shoulder pads and too much floral to attend the wedding of a college friend, I felt good knowing I had on my little bloomers - my floral blazer was truly horrendous, 90s stretchy skirt probably too tight 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️) but I still felt confident...and covered. 

For the next few years, my sweeties became a staple of my dressier wardrobe, light and airy but covering my derrière anytime I needed it. I felt almost safe wearing them - no one could see my butt and it somehow boosted my confidence to wear something that had gotten me through so many important occasions up to that point. 

As my 20s rolled by, I wore them to bachelorette parties and baby showers, under my little black dresses on girls’ nights out, to my friends’ weddings, to work under my business suits as I managed dental offices. All along, my sweeties were a constant reminder that I was “covered”, both with the right undergarment and with my life. I was mostly broke in my 20s but I had all the support I needed - I could call Sweetie anytime and she’d send me a $25 check or take me grocery shopping when I was in town. Whenever I was stressed or sick, I would dial 924-4265 from whatever landline I was near and know I’d be okay. She’d answer and within minutes, I felt safe and loved, covered.

Soon after I got engaged, Sweetie passed away and of course, I wore my sweeties to her funeral, thankful through my tears that I had a piece of her with me. Looking back, even then I didn’t realize the significance of this one little pair of bloomers. 

🙋🏼‍♀️ INSERTS HERE: “yes, I wash them often and I’ve always hand-washed them because the material is so light and thin - they’ve really held up well”. Now stop judging 🙈😂 and read on! 

Over the last 20 years, my sweeties have tagged along under my wedding dress, pregnancy jumpers, Old Navy t-shirt dresses at the park with 1, 2 and then 3 kids; at engagement parties and play dates and PTO meetings, at my first BLOOM mom tribe conference (& the next two) and when I earned awards on stage in front of thousands with Thirty-One Gifts. They’ve been with me all along, keeping my butt covered one meaningful event at a time - - - and the mundane ones, too. I guarantee I’ve worn those buggers during toddler meltdowns at Target, kids’ baseball games and school conferences (because t-shirt dresses are my jam. Sorry, not sorry).

My close friends giggle and ask if I’m wearing my sweeties when we’re out and dressed up. The answer is almost always yes and they all know the story behind them. It might’ve even started out as a joke during one of our girls’ getaways but pretty sure they see how much this little piece of material means to me. As I’ve aged and life happens, I can remember certain dresses (with my sweeties keeping me safe underneath) that represent bad news: wearing my red and gray dress the morning my best friend called to tell me her biopsy came back positive for breast cancer; last fall, wearing my navy dress to 2 friends’ unexpected funerals within 3 weeks.
Every Christmas, birthday dinner at a nice restaurant, outing to church, trip to Hawaii, girls’ weekends and fancy date nights with my husband, Sweetie is with me. 


This story has kind of come full circle recently. I wore my sweeties to watch my son graduate from high school in June, and in July, I wore them under my GAP dress to stroll through Europe. Last month, I wore them to speak and inspire a group of women business owners and today, well - today I’m wearing my sweeties as I prepare to leave my son (my first baby) at college, far away. Aaah. Cue the tears. 

Life is precious and your loved ones are always with you, whether in Heaven like Sweetie or several states away like my big boy will be. Thank God for my sweeties because all the crying at Niko’s drop off is going to be hard enough. At least I won’t have to worry about my outfit! 

While it really is just a super thin garment to cover my rear, when it’s needed, these little bloomers have meant everything to me. I look down and see the faded KN initials on the worn tag and think, “Wow, Sweetie - you’re always there with me.” 

Even over 30 years later, she might not be here with me in person, but she’s been keeping me loved and protected this whole time. 


10 tips to beat the summer heat (and boob sweat season!)

tipsTeal Summer Skincare Blog Graphic-2.png

There’s no better time than before the heat waves start across the country than to have some great resources handy for helping you stay cool this summer!

Let us know which ones you’re going to try!

1) This seems really basic but keep the blinds in your home closed. Better yet - add blackout curtains during the summer months to keep your a/c costs down!

2) Store your skincare products in the fridge! No, really - keep your lotions, serums and moisturizers in the refrigerator and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much it will help with redness, puffiness and swelling. My favorite chilled skincare product is Origins Eye Doctor moisturizing cream. I pat the cool cream under my eyes every morning - such a nice way to wake up while I’m making my coffee!. I love it so much it’s listed in my Kelsy’s Favorite Things Blog here!

3) Instead of suffering through the heat wave, always keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge to take with you when you leave the house. Don't want to get THAT wet? I love the simple, soft touch of Evian water facial spray or my absolute fave that I spritz every morning on my face - Mario Badescu facial spray with aloe, cucumber and green tea. It feels so light and airy!

4) Deodorant. Deodorant. Deodorant. I can’t emphasize this enough! Of course you’ll want to apply it underneath your armpits to stay fresh-smelling but it’s also a good idea to have an extra deodorant stick just for your other “hot spots”. We’re talking behind the knees or even the back of your neck. Find one that’s more of a light powder than a gel and see how refreshing it leaves your skin, rather than moist and dripping.

5) Ice sponge on the go! Grab a new, regular kitchen sponge like these I picked up at Target and soak it in cold water. Place it in a plastic bag and put in the freezer. When you go out and about (even if that out and about is only to your front yard!), take your ice sponge with you to cool yourself off! Bonus - you can rinse it out and use it again and again. I even add a little tangerine essential oil to mine to make it smell pretty.


6) Store your lipgloss, makeup and sunscreens that you might keep in your car inside a thermal pouch. This fun llama one is the perfect size for the smaller items or go big and store all your SPFs for your “on the go” fun inside. You’ll never have to worry about having melted lip balm or sunscreen sticks again!

7) Cool your jets, baby! Keep your little ones who are tucked in their car seats nice and cool with a mini, portable fan that is made with kid-friendly foam blades so it won’t harm them! I like the Dreambaby EZY-Fit Clip-On because it can attach to the stroller, car seat or almost anywhere you can think of. Mom and dad - pick up an extra for yourself and attach it to the stroller handle so you get your own breeze, too!

8) Stay hydrated. Duh! We all know this but sometimes water tastes bland. Add some orange or lemon slices and an umbrella straw to make your recommended eight 8 oz. glasses a day look even more refreshing. Keep lots of water soluble foods like cucumbers, watermelon and tomatoes handy and cut up in the fridge and you’ll feel cooled off after a few bites. Here’s a yummy recipe from Epicurious that brings together a few of these for a really flavorful summer salad! Add some French bread and a glass of Pinot Grigio + voila’ = dinner!

9) Boob sweat. Let’s talk about it! It’s gross and it happens to all of us! OOOH, and the worst is when it’s miserably hot out, you’re sweating AND you’re nursing. Been there, done that!


Here is one of the best tricks I’ve found for trying to keep your bra dry (and therefore the shirt you’re wearing, too). Grab yourself a pantyliner - yep, I said pantyliner - and cut it in 1/2. Remove the paper and adhere the sticky side (you’ll need one for each each bra cup) to your bra. IT WILL HELP! Don’t believe me? Try it and see!

10) Keep the pantyliners coming! If you like wearing high heels, you’ve probably noticed that on hot days your feet get sweaty and will start sliding around inside your shoes. To prevent this not so pleasant experience, insert pantyliners into the shoes. They’ll absorb the moisture and will be totally invisible. You can also use pads instead of the shoe insoles in your running shoes or work boots, to prevent smelly odors. Because of the sticky surface, the pads won’t slide and all the moisture will be absorbed.

I hope you try some of these “beat the heat” tips I’ve found helpful over the years! Stay cool and happy summer!

XO Kelsy

P.S. Don't forget your SPF. It goes without saying that you should use a daily sunscreen but you can make it part of your makeup routine with a tinted foundation like my favorite, Elta MD broad spectrum SPF 46!

3 easy tips on how to set aside time for YOU!

Whether you work in an office or at your home (and yes, stay at home moms - that means you, too!) - it's often difficult to set aside significant amounts of time for YOU.

Here are a few tips that will help get you moving in the right direction!

1. Once a week, when cooking for dinner, make 2 batches. Freeze the second one for another evening. This frees you up for an evening meal and now you can use this time to read, exercise or even have a dinner out with friends. Trust us, hubby is capable enough to feed the kids! You might come home to dirty dishes but you won't regret spending some time with the girls.

2. Swap childcare with a friend. Plan it once a month and use those couple of hours for appointments that you need for YOU - your hair, nails, massage, etc. Schedule ahead of time to really make it count. Don't waste those minutes driving around getting groceries and filling the gas tank. Do something to fill your tank!

3. Keep as many of your errands you run or appointments that you make in close proximity to your home. This may sound impossible ( close is Target to my house?) but when you look at how much time you spend traveling to and from some of your further destinations, you'll realize that you might be able to free up that time simply by choosing a just as capable hair stylist that is right be your child's preschool or a  chiropractor that is right down the street from work. Shaving minutes off of driving/traveling can add up to a significant amount of time - TIME that you could be putting toward other things that are more rewarding than sitting in the car or on the train. One of our favorite #momboss authors and past Keynote Speakers, Samantha Ettus, gives even more tips like this in her book, The Pie Life. 

4. Bonus points if you also want to spend more time with your significant other! Schedule a babysitter (or family member) to come in at least once a month so you and your significant other can have a date. It can be a daytime hike and lunch or a nighttime movie and wine bar. Whatever you choose, being on the same page with and spending quality time with "your person" will help you feel more connected and that makes for one happy mama!

Why you need a girl's getaway!

Taking a girl’s trip is one of the best gifts you can give yourself as a busy mom! Traveling with friends is something you will. never regret and here’s why:

Girl’s trips can give you the chance to escape your day to day life and explore new places, cultures, and foods. You don't have to worry if your spouse or kids think it sounds fun to them. It’s all about what YOU and your friends choose. Gutsy Traveler notes that, according to travel agents, the majority (91%) of female clients who book trips with other females are traveling with their friends, while only 8% are traveling with family.


These are our top 7 reasons to get away:

  • You’ll feel empowered

    • there’s nothing like navigating a new town or city to make you feel like you’re truly adulting. Throw in a flight or train ride, some Uber trips and a scooter rental or two and you’ll realize just how capable you are of being outside your comfort zone.

  • You’ll laugh a ton

    • putting away your wife + mommy hats will leave room for you to find yourself again, the one who can laugh until she pees with her girlfriends, giggling over memories that only your tribe would know about! You know - the one about that horrible prom date or the time you snuck out to 7-Eleven in middle school or the night you stayed up watching John Hughes movies and drooled over Jake Ryan in Sixteen Candles! Where is he nowadays, anyway?!
  • You’ll relax

    • this is the biggest and best side effect of traveling with your girlfriends. All you have to do is give yourself the chance to step away from your responsibilities for a day or two and put yourself first. SURE - it will take a few minutes (or hours) to let go of the mom guilt but once you do, your body + soul will thank. you.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
  • You’ll learn new things

    • not only will you learn new things about the city you’re in and even about your travel companions, you’ll also learn new things about yourself. This is a good time to reflect + reset. Bouncing ideas off of your friends or attending a personal growth conference during your getaway is just one more way to elevate your girl’s trip experience!

  • You’ll realize you’re perfect just as you are

    • the beauty of a girl’s trip is that your friends already love you. They don’t care if you haven’t washed your hair in a few days, don't want to put on makeup or if you drink a cocktail at every meal. They know (most of) your secrets and your struggles. You’re allowed to just be yourself - no shame in your game.

  • Food, glorious food!

    • Guess what? When you go on a girl’s trip - you don’t have to cook! And - you can try new restaurants with your friends that maybe your 2 year-old or partner would not enjoy. Sushi? Sure! Vegan lettuce wraps? Yep! No dishes, no drama - just you and an evening dining out with some fabulous friends to make you feel like a grown-up who has a reason to get dressed up if she wants (or NOT - sweats and Uber Eats in your hotel is also super fun!)

  • You’ll be making memories that last a lifetime

    • not only will traveling together become something that will bond you and your friends even further, you’ll have an even more meaningful connection because of the unexpected moments you’ll share.. You might learn something new about someone, or realize one of your friends isn’t doing quite as well as she portrays on Instagram and could use some real friend therapy, or you might spill your own secret about a struggle that you didn't expect to share….…all of these moments will add up to one unforgettable, deeper friendship that will continue to bloom for the rest of your lives.