B o o k s


The Husband on Loan from Heaven


coming 11/19/2024

In "The Husband on Loan from Heaven," Kelsy McHenry invites readers into her deeply personal journey through the profound grief following the sudden loss of her husband, Heath. This poignant memoir captures the raw emotions of early widowhood, from the initial shock and overwhelming sadness to the surreal hope of signs from beyond. Kelsy recounts their serendipitous meeting, romantic courtship, and the deep bond they shared, painting a vivid picture of a love that was both adventurous and tender. As she navigates the complexities of life without Heath, she finds solace in the unwavering support of family and friends, and in the small, comforting signs she believes are sent by her late husband. With heartfelt candor, Kelsy shares her steps toward healing, emphasizing resilience, community support, and the enduring connection with loved ones. This memoir is a tribute to a love that transcends loss and a guide for others facing similar grief, offering hope and companionship in the darkest times.



By Kelsy McHenry

coming in 2025

BAD FOR BLOOD wiII Ieave vampire-Ioving readers thirsty for more! Sixteen-year-oId twins, Sebastian and Savannah Nix, Iive an idyIIic Iife as teenagers in their smaII hometown of Liberty Lake, Washington. UntiI one day -- when their worId is turned upside down by a visit from unweIcome strangers who know far more about the twins and the terrifying secrets about who they reaIIy are. For the Nix twins, Iife as they know it wiII never be the same.

Young AduIt Fiction / Vampires - ParanormaI & Urban Fantasy / Romance